Family of Meenske Jans van Vriesland
Meenske^2 Jans van Vriesland
(Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. 1662 in Friesland.

Note: At left is the Flag of Friesland, Netherlands from which Meenske drew her "maiden" surname of van Vriesland. The three
white stripes could stand for the rural quarters Oostergo, Westergo and Sevenwolden/Zevenwouden, the blue stripes for the Frisian
rivers. The seven lily leaves represent the seven old Frisian "zeelanden", as they existed from around the 8th till the 14th century.
Married: Albert Mennes in New Amerfoort on Nov. 9, 1684.
1. Sytje Mennes (b. abt 1691 on Long Island on the Bay, NY)
2. Rensje Mennes (bap. 30 October 1692 in Brooklyn, NY)
3. Grietje Mennes (bap. 11 April 1695 in Tappan, NY)
4. Altjie Mennes (bap. 5 July 1697 in Tappan, NY)
5. Jannetje Mennes (bap. 13 April 1700 in Tappan, NY)
6. Albert Mennes (bap. 26 October 1703 in Tarrytown, NY)
7. Antjie Mennes (bap. 13 August 1706 in Tarrytown, NY)
Meenske's parents are Jentie Jeppes and Tietske
Albert's parents are Minne Johannes and Rensje Feddans
Background information:
Meenske^2 Jans VAN VRIESLAND (Jentie^1 Jeppes) was baptised in
the Reformed Church at Leeuwarden, Friesland on 11 May 1662. She may not have adopted the Van Wicklen surname because her parents had probably left Wijckel by the time of her birth
and she was--unlike her older siblings--baptised in Leeuwarden. So she uses Jans (her
patronym) and “van Vriesland” meaning "from Friesland." She married Albert MENNES in New Amersfoort on Nov. 9, 1684. Albert is the
son of Minne Johannes and Rensje Feddans who immigrated from Friesland in 1663 and settled in New Lots,
Flatbush. Between 1692 and 1695 Albert and Meenske moved to Haverstraw, Orange Co., NY where his family had previously settled. A
1702 Census of Orange Co. shows Albert Minnelay, “Meenske his wife” and “5 gerls” plus two black males, an adult and child.
Apparently Albert’s patronym, Mennes became his surname “Minnelay.” Meenske is still living is 1708 because she was a
sponsor in that year at the baptism of her granddaughter Mensie Smidt.
Children: Sytje^3
was born on “Long Island on the Bay” and married Cornelis Smidt on Oct. 15, 1707 in Tappan and had children.
Rensje^3 was bap. Oct 30, 1692 in Brooklyn and she married Lodewyk Post, bap. in NY on 17 November 1689, son of Elias
Post and Marritje Cornelis. They resided in Tarrytown and had children. Grietje^3
was bap. Apr 11, 1695 in Tappan. Aeltje^3 was
bap. July 15 1697 in Tappan. She was betrothed to William Kemmel (later CAMPBELL) who was born in England.
Gravestones at Tappan for William Campbell and wife, Aeltje, indicate that she died Aug. 10, 1779. They had children.
Jannetje^3 was bap. Apr 13, 1700 in Tappan. Albert^3 was bap. Oct. 26, 1703 in Tarrytown and he married Helena Smallens or
Dinse in 1734. They had children. Antje^3 was bap. Aug 13, 1706 when her mother, Meenske was 44!
Source: Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and
Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 2 (April 1997); pp. 89.